Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween! Dead voters break to Dems two days before election

In an otherwise bleak month leading up to the 2010 midterm election, democratic pollsters announced today their latest polling data indicates America’s dead are breaking to democrat candidates at an unprecedented rate.  Though enthusiasm for democrat public policies wane among the living, on a generic ballot the dearly departed prefer an unspecified democrat party candidate over any republican at a staggering six to one ratio. 

A further breakdown of polling data indicates major shifts within the dead demographic.  While interest among groups traditionally supporting democrat candidates remains strong, even dead conservatives now seem poised to cast votes for democratic candidates on Tuesday.

Senator Harry Reid said about the development, “I’m pleased with the news, obviously.  I can’t just rely on the voting-machine gremlins at this point. While we have traditionally enjoyed support from the lifeless in prior election cycles, any additional bump right now would be welcome.”  Senator Reid was not alone in his enthusiasm.  The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) reports in a recent press release, “…launching a major get-out-the-vote project to allow for maximum voter participation.”  SEIU representatives said they plan on canvassing morgues, obituaries, and cemeteries throughout the country to uncover any likely voters.  The SEIU press release further states, “If we can find enough dead voters, maybe we can have a positive impact on some of these close races.  If we’re polling within two points on Tuesday, we can win it.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is publically supporting the SEIU effort.  ACLU public affairs staff warns, “Any attempts by the far-right fringe to disenfranchise voters will be met with aggressive legal action.  The integrity of the American electoral process must be preserved.”  When asked if the dead vote could help turn the election around for the democrats, an ACLU attorney cautioned, "Referring to them as dead simply plays into the far-right's attempts at marginalizing Americans that don't breathe.  In my opinion, that's a form of hate speech.  Please refer to them as metabolically challenged."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Tea Party - a clear and present danger to the status quo

Rarely has the political differences dividing our country been so stark.  Certainly, the antebellum period prior to the Civil War was such a time.  The Civil War itself remaining a clear reminder of what happens when political policies and actions are taken to extremes.  Two very different interpretations of the 10th Amendment, protectionism of northern industry the Confederacy viewed as biased against southern agriculture, and a popular abolitionist movement in the north proved to be a volatile combination.  The rest is, well, history.  (Please, no flames - I know the causes of the Civil War were more complex and varied.  In the interest of space, I listed just a few.)
Today, there are political policies and actions that can be readily perceived as extreme. Warning to my readers, I have chosen sides and this article will reflect those affections. Certainly, the liberal socialists currently in power in the United States of America will view any political action contrary to their socialist catechism as an “extreme movement”.  It’s in Alinsky’s book.  That’s why one can see pure vitriol reviling any conservative, or the tea party movement, spewing forth from Washington and their supporting media organs on any given day. The Republican Party, such as it is of late, has been tamed or bought off and is not esteemed by our liberal socialists as much of a threat.  But the tea party…
The tea party represents a clear and present danger to all that Karl Marx holds dear.  It is a focused, moving target, comprised of possibly thousands of sub-units acting in concert to abolish the socialist cancer that has started to metastasize into an inoperable state.  The tea party is like chemotherapy or radiation in that regard.  It is flowing through the American body politic via the Republican Party not because tea partiers hold the GOP in any particular esteem; the GOP is simply the path of least resistance.  The liberal socialists know it will be easier to catch wind in a bottle than to stop a grass roots movement by the masses of this magnitude.  I’ll bet they are currently enduring a gut wrenching jealously that such a populist movement, which reminds some of them of their heady anti-war days during the 1960s, is not fueled by socialist revolutionary zeal. 
The perception of these liberal socialists can become a significant problem when considered within the template of their primary world view – “that if only everyone could see the end result of our work…the beauty of our new world socialist worker’s utopia.  Then they would understand what were working towards and agree that any means necessarily employed along the way was well worth it.”  I don’t know about you, but that frightens me.  What will such an animal do when faced with extinction?  Hide? Fight?  Kill?
World history has answered that question and shown us the extremes of communism.  Manifesting itself in this country, the above world view has given us Sandy Berger stealing documents from the National Archives; a liberal socialist President committing adultery in the Oval Office; dead people voting; reports of voting machines rigged to vote “D” when the lever for “R” is pulled; cigarettes, food, and cash traded for votes; shill tea party candidates placed on ballots to confuse voters and steal votes intended for another; disenfranchised overseas military voters while non-Americans vote; reports of a liberal socialist candidate’s name appearing already checked on ballots in Nevada;  a liberal socialist narrowly elected as Governor of the State Washington thanks to more votes cast in King County than there were registered voters; union thugs posing as tea partiers beating up an old black man in an attempt to frame the tea party as racist; socialist New Black Panther Party activists threatening voters at a polling place with impunity; the list could go on, and on. How do they live with themselves, you ask?  It's all in their world view: the philosophy of the ends justifying the means.
Do we live in a country of political extremes?  I’d say so.  What does the future hold for our country?  I wish I knew.  I do fear “We the people” have not been vigilant during our stewardship.  We should have not let the problems get this far.  We are the last of the checks and balances built into our political system.  We’re awake now.  Let’s get out there on November 2 and push that tsunami home.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

2012 GOP presidential candidates may find tea pot too hot to handle

I just finished reading an excellent article by Peter Wallsten, “Tea Party Shaping 2012 Race”, October 25, 2010, in the Wall Street Journal.  Mr. Wallsten breaks down potential rivals Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney quite nicely.  However, several notible candidates were omitted from the article.

What I find most interesting about the topic is the extent to which potential 2012 presidential contenders seem willing to go to harness the tea party momentum.  It reminds me of when I was in high school, and a hot new girl transfers in.  All the suave “chick magnets” come out and start busting a move.  Sometimes two or three adolescents at a time would be lurking nearby, waiting for an opportunity to get her attention. Some resourceful suitors would give little gifts, open doors, or promise to take her to “really cool places” on dates.  Others, more sophisticated, would resort to flattery and guile.
What they usually found was the hot girl, the object of their adoration and/or lust, already had a life of her own and had other plans.  She was already dating a college football player, or some pro hockey player.  Preppy school boys simply held little or no appeal.
Anyone following contemporary American politics knows the names of most GOP presidential hopefuls looking to 2012.  I have my favorites, but I believe any would be preferable to what currently sits in the Whitehouse. 
My advice to any GOP presidential candidate looking to court the tea party passion -- beware;  she may be too hot to handle.  Tea partiers are a savvy group.  The reason they are tea partiers is because they know they are beautiful; they are tired of all the pick-up lines that have been tossed their way over the years; they have been promised presents and taken to places they did not want to go; and have been caressed in the night by lotharios only to be abandoned the following day.  If you seek a relationship with the tea party, the best strategy if you are a  true conservative, is to be yourself.  Others need not apply.  If the tea party gets the idea that you are posing, or playing them, 2012 is over for you.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Diversity vs. E Pluribus Unum

Diversity. What a pleasant sounding word. I see colorful posters bearing the word placed in prominence around the office where I work. I often see the word applied in noble motto: “Strength in Diversity” or “Celebrate Diversity”. What a lovely sentiment. What could be wrong with that? I am a German American, whose original German-born ancestor arrived in the United States of America in 1853 following the death of his first wife. I’m quite sure his life in Germany was shattered. He came to America destitute, with small children in tow. He remarried an Ohio woman and settled in the fertile fields of Illinois to continue his life as a farmer. I have an appreciation for Oktoberfest that may well be genetic. I’m sure my love of the food is at any rate. Growing up in the South-West, I also dearly love the Cinco de Mayo celebration (also for the food and drink – Mexican food is the bomb!). I often found myself in the racial minority on some of the streets where I grew up. My first serious girlfriend in High School was a Latina. Is that what “Celebrate Diversity” means? Successfully living and working alongside those who are different than us? That’s what it may seem, unless you think about it a bit more.

I believe those of the liberal persuasion who find themselves in contemporary positions of power and policy making (i.e. the guys who write the quaint sayings) could define “Diversity” as a variety or multiformity based on a point or respect in which things differ. It's not that simple. In socialist political theory, diversity is the strength of the masses as derived from the individual socio-ethnic, economic, and racial class from which the individual comes; the greater those differences, the greater the power of the masses. Unfortunately, there are some among us who seek to empower themselves by promoting and harnessing those differences. The greater the differences, or needs of the individual, the greater their value to the liberal society or politician. I believe this definition is one of the pillars of liberalism, and the clear antithesis to the original spirit of E Pluribus Unum as promoted by our Founding Fathers.

I have found that for every lovely idea or mechanism that exists in the physical world there is a diabolical counterfeit intended to obfuscate the intent and values embodied in the original. In the world of politics I’ve noticed the counterfeits are most often foisted upon us by those promoting elitist multicultural materialism (liberals). Charitable giving is replaced with government mandated wealth redistribution; the church is replaced by the state as the source of divine authority; and the “village” replaces the family as the primary nurturing force for our children. Diversity is simply another diabolical counterfeit.

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress empaneled a committee to oversee the design of a Great Seal of the United States of America. A number of suggestions were considered, with input by Benjamin Franklin and Charles Thomson. The Latin motto E Pluribus Unum was ultimately approved for inclusion on the obverse of the seal. Its translation closely means “Out of many, one”. It also describes an action of “Many uniting into one”. Charles Thomson said the motto refers to the union of states, but I believe the ideal of E Pluribus Unum could go beyond that. If the states comprise the nation, it can be said that the people comprise the states.

My best friend in High School is second generation American. His father legally came to the United States just in time to enlist in the U.S. Army during World War Two. Following the war, this man worked and put himself through college earning a B.S. Degree in Engineering. Following graduation, he secured a life-time job as an aero-space engineer in Southern California. I remember this father not allowing his children to speak Spanish in their home claiming, “You’re Americans now! Speak English!” At the time, I thought that was a bit harsh, and that learning Spanish would be an advantage for someone living in California. But, their father greatly valued the United States more than his origins, and was more than willing to place all he had upon her alters. In fact, my friend recently retired from the United States Air Force following a successful career as a bomber pilot. All those siblings consider themselves Americans, first and foremost. I never saw anyone in this family look back after coming to this country.

As for my German ancestor, he enlisted in the 15th Illinois Cavalry, United States Army when the Civil War broke out in 1861. He campaigned in the western theater until he suffered a debilitating injury. His grandson fought in France during World War One, against Germany. Later, many on my “German side of the family” fought during World War Two, several again fighting in Europe. And me? I did my bit in Iraq.

The ultimate point of this rodomontade is simply this; I believe this country is being torn apart by diverse groups seeking their own vain ambitions. Being an American is no longer as important as achieving those ambitions. The extensive entitlement state that attracts dead weight must be eliminated quickly and efficiently if we are to have a chance at pulling out of the current nose dive. I’m all for giving anyone who wants to be an American a chance at that dream, but they have to truly want to be American and understand what that means. Remember “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”